It was International Women’s Day – a special day for women all over the world. It is used to celebrate how far women have come in terms of women’s empowerment and gender equality. The day is also an opportunity to reflect on the achievements and push for more equality as well as a good opportunity to get a soulful portrait photography session in Sussex, and this article will show you why you need it.
Show your strength
A portrait photography session can be used to show your strength. Women often go by many titles: mother, daughter, sister, and friend. We handle all these titles with grace but may begin to shy away from the camera to avoid being the centre of attention. A photo session will help showcase your strength and personality in a unique way.
It gives you an opportunity to own your identity, and the results will be absolutely stunning. A good photographer will make you feel comfortable and help you to express yourself in a bold and confident way.
Your photos will show how beautiful and unique you are.
Document your life
This portrait photography session is also an opportunity to document your life. As women, we are often carried away by daily activities like school, work, childcare, and everything in between. There’s hardly any time to spoil yourself a little. While it is possible to take pictures with your phone, not everyone can take beautiful photos since they are not skilled. Getting your picture taken in a photo session is a form of self-care.
It is a great way to own your image and choose how you want to be seen by those around you.
Improve your confidence
As beauty standards and self-perception change constantly, we may be under some pressure from society to measure up to others. Cosmetic advancements as well as fashion trends stress us mentally and may contribute to the feeling that we are not beautiful. With time, this can have a negative effect on our self-image and the concept of beauty.
Your self-value and self-image are important elements because they affect your mood as well as your outlook on the things around you. A photography session will make you love yourself even more.
Having your pictures taken in a soulful photography session will also help you to reclaim your beauty and improve your self-confidence. It will help you to remember that you are strong, beautiful, and independent. You’ll find new reasons to love yourself again because you are unique.
Connect more with your body
As we age, it is easy to start to feel out of touch with our bodies and minds. The body starts to change, and trends also change. As this happens, we can begin to see a different picture of who we really are. In some cases, you can even feel trapped in your own body. A good photography session can help you connect with not only your body but your mind, so you can find yourself again.
How is this possible? Well, skilled photographers shoot what matters to you, and this, in turn, reflects your true personality. This gives you a chance to reconnect with your body and love how much you have grown or changed as a woman. It also allows you to rebalance your thoughts and really see yourself better. Then you can rejuvenate your youthful uniqueness once more and feel like yourself again.
Celebrate the female heroes of the past
Another excellent reason to have a photography session is to celebrate the women that fought to bring us so far. Some of them include Maya Angelou, who inspired women all over the world to overcome race and gender discrimination, and Malala Yousafzai, who fought for young girls to get access to education in Pakistan despite the great risk to her own life. Mary Wollstonecraft, known for her women’s rights advocacy, or Florence Nightingale, who pushed for better reforms in the healthcare sector. The list is endless.
Emmeline Pankhurst is another female hero to be celebrated. She was one of the founding members of the Suffragettes, a women’s group that fought to ensure that women had the right to vote. There are so many women who have fought for all women in the past and for the future. You can celebrate them by picking a theme that highlights their work.
Everyone loves to play dress-up, so it’ll be a fun and exciting experience for you. A skilled photographer can help you plan everything, from makeup to clothing, as well as the ambience. It is an event that you will not forget in a hurry.
Inspired by International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the heroes of the past who have helped promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. It is also a day to remind ourselves that we still have a lot to change for future generations and therefore, we continue fighting. It is also a way to celebrate yourself for how far you have come in your education, work, life, and family. You can celebrate that day with a soulful photography session.
The photograph is an excellent way to model your features and rediscover yourself. It will also help motivate other members of your family or friends to be more confident in their bodies. It is normal to be self-conscious about your skin, body, or physical features. A photo session can help you overcome that fear. It will give you the confidence you need to fall in love with your beautiful self again.
Even though the photoshoot will give you the empowerment you desire, it will also offer more than that. You can get a tangible piece of the memories to display in your home. The photos will always remind you that you are beautiful, confident, and an all-around amazing person.
Given everything the world is going through, I decided to offer a photoshoot to celebrate women. The sessions included in this giveaway are (click on the link for more information):
- Soulful portrait session
- Motherhood photography session
- Branding session “show me more package”
- Maternity photography session
All you need to do to participate in this giveaway is (chose Website or Instagram option):
At the end of this blog post, add your name, email, Instagram account and chose ONE of the above sessions you would like to win!
If you have friends that would like to enter the giveaway, share the link with them too!
- Follow @Vanessagomes_photography
- Save this post
- Like and tag friends on this post. Tag friends for additional entries.
- Share this post to your story (please make sure you tag me so I can see).
The session will happen at one of my outdoor locations in West Sussex.
The photography session can take place between April and October 2022.
The competition closes on Saturday 26th of March 2022. The winner will be announced on 27/03/2022 on my Instagram stories.
*No cash alternative will be offered.
Disclaimer: This giveaway is not affiliated or in partnership with Instagram.
Here are some examples of some of the above photography sessions: